Noticia 122567 en

Sustainable flooring is a trend in architecture and decoration


Gabarró Hermanos, a company committed to the environment and audited by the FSC and PEFC certification systems, values ​​sustainable construction materials and has been committed to certification for almost 15 years.


The consumption habits of society are increasingly oriented towards natural and ecological products. The increased interest in sustainable and certified products goes far beyond caring for our health or our alimentation

Gabarró Hermanos, committed to the environment and audited by the FSC and PEFC certification systems, highlights the boom in demand for sustainable flooring in sectors such as architecture and decoration.

Amid the current emerging market for sustainable construction, Gabarró supplies certified products to different sectors: architecture, construction, decoration, reforms, contract, urban furniture or exhibitors, among others. In general, the type of product that Gabarró markets is 100% FSC certified, although some may also be FSC Mix, which means that the products are made with a mixture of materials from FSC certified forests, recycled materials and/or controlled wood.

The geographical origin of the original wood marketed by Gabarró is very varied: the European Union (MDF or laminated board, melamine, etc.), Brazil (mechanized wood of different tropical species, insignis pine or radiata pine plywood, China bamboo), Africa (tropical wood such as elondo) or the United States.

Its most demanded 100% certified product is the FSC-certified Dasso Bamboo Platform, which has been selling since 2019. The commitment to sustainability, together with the mechanical and aesthetic properties of this material, make it an exceptional design tool. Since then, its growth in sales has been exponential, being one of the most demanded outdoor platforms, with more than 8000 m2 sold last year.


This thousand-year-old plant species, suitable for decorating exterior and interior spaces, is a trend and has innumerable advantages:

• Strength/ Hardness

• Sustainability


What is behind the responsible forest management of certified wood?

To guarantee the traceability of raw materials, products and by-products made from forest resources, such as wood flooring and cladding, the FSC certification system establishes a series of standards, procedures and monitoring mechanisms for forest resources, from the extraction in the forests until its commercialization.

The growth of companies holding Forest Stewardship Council Spain (FSC) chain of custody certificates in Spain, including Gabarró, is unstoppable and in 2021 it has grown by 14% compared to the previous year.

The FSC seal and label guarantees that the material or forest resource used comes from an environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial and economically viable forest management of forests throughout the world; without compromising the needs of future generations