Noticia 124894 en

Gabarró displays, designed especially for you


At Gabarró we always try to provide added value to our clients, which is why we have developed a range of displays and sample panels so that our clients can get the most out of their exhibition areas. Gabarró's indoor floor displays will become your perfect ally if you have an exhibition space or showroom:

1. Impactful Visual Presentation:

Our displays are designed to impressively showcase the diversity of interior flooring available: Medfloor Line laminate flooring, Egger Pro laminate flooring or SPC Adore vinyl flooring, with an attractive visual presentation that captures customers' attention.
2. They Facilitate Decision Making:

By having a complete range in one place, exhibitors simplify the decision-making process for customers. They can compare textures, colors and styles conveniently, streamlining the choosing process.
3. Direct Inspiration in the Store:

Display stands not only display products, but also serve as a source of inspiration for customers. By viewing floors in a simulated environment, buyers can imagine what they would look like in their own spaces.
4. Saving Time and Space:

Efficiency is key. By centralizing a variety of flooring in one display, we save time for both customers and industrialists. In addition, they take up minimal space, allowing for efficient layout in the store.
At Gabarró we understand the importance of presentation and accessibility. Our range of indoor floor displays not only simplifies the purchasing process but also elevates the customer experience, creating an environment where quality and inspiration converge to drive informed purchasing decisions.

Depending on your available space, you can choose these 4 display models:

- S size display: 2390 x 660 x 680 mm. This display fits 10 panels without handle measuring 615 x 400 mm

- M size display: 2390 x 610 x 860 mm. This display fits 10 panels with a handle measuring 800 x 570 mm.

- L size display: 2390 x 1220 x 860 mm. This display fits 20 panels with a handle measuring 800 x 570 mm.

- XL size display: 2390 x 1480 x 533 mm. This display fits 20 panels with a handle measuring 800 x 570 mm.

Consult your sales representative so they can advise you on which of our options is most suitable for you!