Private terrace in Madrid with Dasso bamboo decking

Proyecto 76479

The choice of Dasso CTECH bamboo decking in caramel color for the terrace with pool in Madrid highlights its versatility and resistance. Enmadera, the person in charge of the installation, has highlighted its ability to beautify outdoor spaces with its vibrant tone, which provides a unique visual appeal.

In addition to its aesthetic appearance, Dasso CTECH bamboo exhibits remarkable resistance to adverse weather conditions, such as rain and sun, as well as the action of xylophagous organisms, which guarantees its long-term durability and minimizes the need for maintenance. .

With a density of 1200 kg/m3 and a durability classification I, comparable to tropical woods such as Ipé, Dasso CTECH bamboo offers exceptional performance even in demanding environments. Additionally, its fireproof nature provides an additional layer of safety in any space.

The versatility of Dasso products is evident in their ability to serve as flooring or wall coverings, as has been demonstrated in previous projects, such as offices in Barcelona and the renovation of a home in Malaga. This flexibility makes them an ideal choice for a wide range of both indoor and outdoor applications.
