Mexican Cedar

Scientific name:
Cedrela odorata L.
Geographic origin:
Central America, south America, the Caribbean and the west Indies.
  • Sapwood: pink white.
  • Heartwood: pink brown to light red that darkens whith the light effects.
  • Fiber: straight, it is usually slightly intertwined.
  • Grain: medium size.
Cedro americano
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
Impregnabilidad Propiedades mecanicas Mecanizacion logo Propiedades fisicas logo
Capacity of being impregnated
  • Sapwood: medium capacity of being impregnated.
  • Heartwood: medium to none capacity of being impregnated.
Mechanical properties
  • Resistance to static flexion 753 kg/cm2.
  • Elasticity module 90,000 kg/cm2.
  • Resistance to compression 415 kg/cm2.
  • Sawing process: easy and with no difficulties.
  • Drying process: quite slow. Little risk of collapse. Little risk of deformation and crack formation. High risk of resin exudations.
  • Planing process: Easy. Risk of repelling on pieces of intertwined fibers.
  • Gluing process: no difficulties, except in case of excess resin exudations, where wood surfaces should be previously cleaned by using organic solvents.
  • Nailing and screwing process: easy.
  • Finish: no difficulties, except those mentioned cases of exudations.
Physical properties
  • Apparent density at 12% humidity 490 kg/m3 light.
  • Dimensional stability
  • - Volumetric contraction coefficient 0.34 % highly stable wood.
  • - Relation between contractions 1.5% no tendency to deformity.
  • Hardness (Chaláis-Meudon) 2.0 soft to semi-softwood.
  • Atenció, molt important: espècie protegida pel conveni CITES. Està continguda en l'apèndix III per a les poblacions de Colòmbia i Perú. Es precisa un permís d'exportació CITES per als exemplars obtinguts a Colòmbia i Perú. En ela cas d'obtenir-se en altres països, necessita un certificat d'origen expedit per l'Autoritat Administrativa CITES del país exportador, o re-exportador.
  • Ha d'exigir-se aquesta documentació quan es realitzi la seva compra